Saturday, May 27, 2006

New DVDs on the way

For those "friends" who've already established they only like me for my DVDs :) , no wait |:( ,here's an update on additions to my collection:

Arrived this week: The Micallef P(r)ogram(me) Series 1-3
Will arrive end of July: Newsradio - Season 4, The Pretender - Season 4, The Breakfast Club
Will arrive end of August: Veronica Mars - Season 2, (the new) Doctor Who - Season 1, Threshold - The Complete Series

Still waiting on a release date for Arrested Sevelopment - Season 3...


  1. Speaking of your dvds -
    Oooh I'm loving Firefly more and more - I can pin-point the moment where I went aaaaah (the episode with the captain's wife - where we learn that there is a very special level of hell reserved for child molesters and people who talk in movies) hehe

  2. Ok baby lets talk Veronica Mars lets talk Pretender and lets just watch Breakfast Club *grin*

    You really really must become addicated to Greys Anatomy - there is no choice - I have just watched the final of season 2 (net version) and about peed my pants - I don't think it is just a chick thing - the guys are loving it too... join us Bertie join us now

  3. Hmmph I'm insulted, and by the way can I borrow Buffy season 3? I'm pretty sure you're gonna love Moonlighting, so it's, you know, reciprocal!

  4. Strain building... Determination to not watch any new shows wavering...

  5. You know you want too Bertie... You know you do...
